This man gets a lot of action on my blog. One: because he was the only child that remembered me from my previous summer. Two: He loves to pose for pictures. Three: You can easily get constant "sugars" (as I call cuddles, hugs and kisses) from him! And four: Read to the end for this little miracle!
Vincent is one of the smartest kids I know. He speaks in both Chinese and English--which is a HUGE accomplishment. He remembers new information very quickly! For instance, we were learning a letter of the week in Pre-K and you could always ask him what each letter stood for. BONUS: he always says that "C" stands for "Catherine". What a proud teacher moment :) Oh, and he pronounces my name "Casserinnneee". You should hear it: melt. my. heart.
Vincent and I were very close last summer, so I was hoping this summer was the same--and it was! I love this little goober so much. He has got an incredible personality and can certainly entertain a crowd with his humor. He makes some of the funniest faces and can also cry on command, haha!
I am so privileged and grateful that I got to teach Vincent for a short amount of time. He was an excellent student and so eager to learn. He often ran up to me when I entered the room, grabbed my legs, and either asked me to hold him or to play a game with him. Outside, you would frequently see him walking around and holding my hand or swinging together.
Which leads me to the miracle. I WILL get to see Vincent again and do all of those fun things together, but we will not be doing that in China. Vincent is coming HOME to his forever family very soon and they happen to live in my city!
Amazing, huh? Keep reading.... in 2008 on my first trip to China, I met a woman that was on an adoption trip and picking up her precious little girl. We chatted for a bit, then discovered we lived in the same city! Crazy! Over the next few years, I saw her at a few orphan care events... then, in Fall 2010 shortly after I returned from China, she sent me an email regarding little-man V. I told her about my summer, how much I loved this child, etc. We corresponded for a while and then... They decided to lock his file!!!!!! They are now bringing him home--where he will be joined with his precious Mom and Dad and oh-so-sweet sister (who is equally hilarious and charming--love her!).

Vincent's Mom and Dad are following God's words that He boldly states in James 1:27. As you know, adoption is a huge expense and Vincent also needs to have surgery once he comes home. Would you please help them by popping over to their blog and donating to their Chip-In? They would be ever so grateful. Every little bit you can give will help this man come home :)
Please click here to donate:
See you soon Vincent!!!!
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