"This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Babies, Babies, oh, and Toddlers!

My camera is getting a lot of use around here. Thank you again, SBA community! Fortunately, I don't have to do all the picture taking. GanLu, who is a part of the amazing staff, has been using it some for pictures for the website. So, I am just stealing all of the ones she took :) Feel free to drool over the cute-factor here....

Joy, who is truly a joy...

be still my heart. 

sleeping babies get me everytime! 

what a smile :) 

Julian is quite a comedian...

Sean looks worried that the camera will take away his new toy...


OH MY! What do you see Eliana?

oh, and just had to throw in a few more from the 4th of July.... couldn't resist all the red, white, and blue! 

Vincent looks unhappy--it was because the parade couldn't come fast enough! 

Keith has matured so much. He works hard and loves life :) 

Joel thought he was too cool for school. 

Camille makes some noise for America's birthday! (that's what Gloria calls it) 

1 comment:

  1. i love your photos. love them. makes my heart happy for you.
