Warning: this post may be long!
I am going to try and type out how I have come "Full Circle"--moving to China for 2 years doesn't just happen every day!
I have always been fascinated with China. The culture, colors, people--everything seemed so different and wonderful to me. I remember watching the Olympics with I was 10 or so and thinking the Chinese gymnasts were so cute and that I really wanted to be one :) Sidenote: I realize this would be impossible, but a girl can dream!
Fast forward many years: I thought maybe I could actually GO and see China for myself. I knew lots of people had adopted gorgeous girls from there, and that interested me too. So in 2008, I applied for a trip with ShowHope and was so excited when I found out I would get to go!
The trip was amazing. I learned so much more about our Heavenly Father and how He wants our hearts to be broken for His people. All of these orphans! My! It was overwhelming! I knew my heart was changed for the better. I knew God was calling me to do something more, but I just wasn't sure yet....

I began to pray fervently and ask God: what can I do? Where can I go? God, listen to the cry of my heart and send me back to China! Let me serve your children!

So I waited, sometimes not so patiently. The desire was there and oh, I had passion for orphans! In 2010, the Lord granted me what I asked of Him and He sent me on a 5 week journey to a foster home in Big City, China.
Oh.My.Goodness. did I have trip in store for me! God knew what He was doing when He asked me to wait on His timing. This Foster Home impacted me more than I could have imagined. I was in love with the children, staff, village, everything! It was like God was saying, "See why I made you wait? You had no idea what treasures I had in store for you!" I could go on and on about what I learned and what I saw, but I will spare you all (as I do like to talk)...
When I returned home from the incredible and indescribable summer, the adjustment was H.A.R.D. People asked me: what was your low for the summer? I would answer: leaving. Seriously, I saw everything as a blessing there. God clearly wanted to show me that everything He give us is just that--a blessing! To return back to "normal life" was difficult and especially jumping back into my teaching job. "But I LOVE my job!" I kept saying. And it's true. Teaching Pre-K full time in an academic but nurturing setting is the perfect job for me. I look forward to my job everyday and I genuinely LOVE teaching. But why is this happening? Because I left my heart in China. That's why.
I began to pray. All the while going to school and having one of the best years (if not THE best) of teaching ever. I prayed and prayed for God to show me my next step in life. I know He gave me the answer looonnnggg before I did anything with it. Finally, after months of praying, waiting, listening, studying the Bible, I knew what I had to do.
I emailed (funny story behind this, I have my friend Rachel to thank because she actually pushed the "send button") the director of the foster home and laid my heart out to her. I had a complete sense of peace after doing so. I wasn't sure what the answer would be, but God covered me with Peace in His Presence.
She emailed me back a few hours later, although it was the next morning before I realized it. I made my friend Rachel read the email before I did. The answer was what I was hoping for! Come back to China--we would love for you to serve again! And she warned me that I won't want to leave after 2 years. We shall see :)
Hip, hip, hooray! I couldn't believe this was really happening. Sure, I have had my doubts. There are days when I have a really hard time, and there are days that are easy. But, I continually rejoice! I KNOW this is what He has called me to do. He gives us choices--and me? I choose to be used by Him!

I am feeling: excitement, nervousness, elation, and JOY about this opportunity! Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me!
And if you are wanting to know: yes, I would adopt in a heartbeat. I know I will one day. Who wouldn't want one of these cuties?
So follow along...it is sure to be a bumpy but amazing ride!

*a special thanks to Jess, one of my wonderful roommates, for the majority of these pictures!
I love, love, love this post!!! The pictures are amazing. YOU are amazing. And I'm so glad my emailing-skills could play a role. Love you!! And I'm so excited for you!