"This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On Sponsorship...

The Foster Home I went to last summer gives others the chance to sponsor their children. Through their Child Sponsorship program, each child is able to receive proper health care, nurturing care-givers, an opportunity for education in their preschool, physical therapy, food, shelter, etc. It takes 6 sponsors to cover all the costs of 1 child. Each sponsor receives monthly updates of their child as well as pictures. (I have to say, their sponsorship program runs impeccably well!)

I am heavily burdened by the plight of the orphan. I knew that I wanted to sponsor a child at the Foster Home, but wanted to wait until I had met all of them.

My, it was hard to choose...and I hate using that word "choose". So I prayed and felt led to sponsor these two CUTIES.

Reagan, currently 5 years old! 

Angela, 1.5 years old
*I happen to LOVE this picture, though it doesn't do her justice! 

Reagan touched my heart from the moment I met her. (I love her so!!!) She was a little timid and insecure and had trouble "using her words" when she wanted something. She did not like to be around me at first--afterall, I was someone new! But slowly, Reagan opened herself up more. She allowed more hugs, more interactions, more cuddles, and more assistance. It was amazing to watch her transform over the few short weeks I was there! I remember one day when we took the kids outside that Reagan got scared of some touring volunteers and beckoned me to pick her. She did not let me put her back down until we went back inside, where she was safe and comfortable.
Reagan is a blessing straight from Jesus. She is vibrant, full of life, spunky, cuddly, has an infectious laugh, LOVES a magna doodle, is fascinated by things that make noise, determined, sweet, likes to learn, she lets nothing stand in her way, and the list goes on! 
*did I mention she is a comedian?

I prayed fiercely for Reagan--that she would know the love of a forever family. So many, many people were praying for the heart of this very special little girl. 
I was out of town when I found out....precious Reagan had been matched with a family! And they are amazing :)  Her parents love and treasure her so much already. I know they can't wait to have her in their arms! (and who wouldn't? just look at her!) 
*she is so smart :) 

Oh goodness, then there is chubby-wubby Angela. With her squeezable chunky thighs! Angela had not been at the Foster Home long before I arrived. I remember walking through the baby room and she caught my eye. You see, I just can't resist a chubby-cheeked gorgeous little Chinese baby!!! 
(somehow I ended up with hardly any pictures of her by herself...maybe because I never liked to put her down?)

Angela likes to be cuddled :) She loved to play with toys on your lap! And she really likes to eat!!! She has an incredibly sweet disposition and a contagious giggle! 
Angela has constricted joints and a repaired club foot. She receives much-needed physical therapy everyday to help increase her mobility. She is very determined and I know she will go far in life! 
This is my very favorite picture of her! 
Those cheeks, her expression, and the touch of drool are just priceless. 

Like Reagan, I prayed hard for Angela. For her to know the love of her own Mommy and Daddy. Just mere weeks after I returned home, my roommate texted me with a link to the Foster Home website. "My" sweet baby had a star by her name...meaning she had been matched with a family! They will be very blessed by this precious gift from God. 

I know that these Asian Beauties have changed immensely since I have last seen them. Reagan had a successful heart surgery and Angela took her first steps. I look forward to their updates each month so I can hear all about their newest accomplishments!

You, too, can also sponsor an orphan child at this very Foster Home. I could go on and on about each one, his/her unique characteristics, and what God taught me through each little soul....He wants our hearts to be broken for what breaks His...and I can't imagine anything sweeter than your heart being broken for one of His children. 

If you are interested in becoming a Child Sponsor, feel free to email me. Please pray for each child that who's life this Foster Home touches. 

"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...." James 1:27

"A father to the fatherles...is God in His holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5

Wo Ai Ni, Reagan and Angela! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Full Circle

Warning: this post may be long!

I am going to try and type out how I have come "Full Circle"--moving to China for 2 years doesn't just happen every day!

I have always been fascinated with China. The culture, colors, people--everything seemed so different and wonderful to me. I remember watching the Olympics with I was 10 or so and thinking the Chinese gymnasts were so cute and that I really wanted to be one :) Sidenote: I realize this would be impossible, but a girl can dream!

Fast forward many years: I thought maybe I could actually GO and see China for myself. I knew lots of people had adopted gorgeous girls from there, and that interested me too. So in 2008, I applied for a trip with ShowHope and was so excited when I found out I would get to go!

The trip was amazing. I learned so much more about our Heavenly Father and how He wants our hearts to be broken for His people. All of these orphans! My! It was overwhelming! I knew my heart was changed for the better. I knew God was calling me to do something more, but I just wasn't sure yet....
I began to pray fervently and ask God: what can I do? Where can I go? God, listen to the cry of my heart and send me back to China! Let me serve your children!
So I waited, sometimes not so patiently. The desire was there and oh, I had passion for orphans! In 2010, the Lord granted me what I asked of Him and He sent me on a 5 week journey to a foster home in Big City, China.

Oh.My.Goodness. did I have trip in store for me! God knew what He was doing when He asked me to wait on His timing. This Foster Home impacted me more than I could have imagined. I was in love with the children, staff, village, everything! It was like God was saying, "See why I made you wait? You had no idea what treasures I had in store for you!" I could go on and on about what I learned and what I saw, but I will spare you all (as I do like to talk)...
When I returned home from the incredible and indescribable summer, the adjustment was H.A.R.D. People asked me: what was your low for the summer? I would answer: leaving. Seriously, I saw everything as a blessing there. God clearly wanted to show me that everything He give us is just that--a blessing! To return back to "normal life" was difficult and especially jumping back into my teaching job. "But I LOVE my job!" I kept saying. And it's true. Teaching Pre-K full time in an academic but nurturing setting is the perfect job for me. I look forward to my job everyday and I genuinely LOVE teaching. But why is this happening? Because I left my heart in China. That's why.

I began to pray. All the while going to school and having one of the best years (if not THE best) of teaching ever. I prayed and prayed for God to show me my next step in life. I know He gave me the answer looonnnggg before I did anything with it. Finally, after months of praying, waiting, listening, studying the Bible, I knew what I had to do.

I emailed (funny story behind this, I have my friend Rachel to thank because she actually pushed the "send button") the director of the foster home and laid my heart out to her. I had a complete sense of peace after doing so. I wasn't sure what the answer would be, but God covered me with Peace in His Presence.
She emailed me back a few hours later, although it was the next morning before I realized it. I made my friend Rachel read the email before I did. The answer was what I was hoping for! Come back to China--we would love for you to serve again! And she warned me that I won't want to leave after 2 years. We shall see :)

Hip, hip, hooray! I couldn't believe this was really happening. Sure, I have had my doubts. There are days when I have a really hard time, and there are days that are easy. But, I continually rejoice! I KNOW this is what He has called me to do. He gives us choices--and me? I choose to be used by Him!
I am feeling: excitement, nervousness, elation, and JOY about this opportunity! Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me!

And if you are wanting to know: yes, I would adopt in a heartbeat. I know I will one day. Who wouldn't want one of these cuties?

So follow along...it is sure to be a bumpy but amazing ride!
*a special thanks to Jess, one of my wonderful roommates, for the majority of these pictures!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

reasons why I am going back...

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40