(that title sounds super-egotistical doesn't it?)
I am BLESSED. BLESSED beyond words.
God has poured out so many blessings upon me and my life over the past 27 years, but I have been especially aware of them the past few weeks.
I work in an incredible school. The people are wonderful--the staff, parents, and students. It is what makes the school so special. Everyone supports each other in prayer and encouragement. I truly love my job and all it has taught me these past 4 years.
My co-teacher, Miss Donna (who is awesome), told me she wanted to get the class/school/staff involved in helping me fundraise. I politely declined :) She asked me a few more times what they could all do to help and I caved, knowing that this is something I prayed about and that God really wanted me to raise support to bring glory to His name....and to teach me some very important life lessons.
And boom..."Miss Catherine Day" was formed from the genius minds of Mr. S, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Donna.
Today, the
entire student school was given an option to come dressed out of uniform if they made a contribution to my China fund. Not only that, my school
matched that amount as a gift to me.
Are you floored yet? Because you should be. This is pretty amazing.
And yes, I was
completely and utterly overwhelmed by everyone's kindness and generosity.
I feel so
unworthy and undeserving of it.
I will forever be grateful for all ya'll have done for me.
"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Cor. 9:15
Some of my precious Pre-K class! |
To all the members of the S*B*A* family: THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Since I have no words to say exactly how humbled, honored, and grateful I am, I will say it again and again, though it will never seem like enough: THANK YOU! May the Lord greatly bless each and every one of you for what you have done in His name! xoxo, "Miss" Catherine
Though this day was called "Miss Catherine Day" all the glory goes to our Father above. In no way, shape, or form do I think I am a saint or some incredible person because I am moving to China. I am going because I am CALLED by the One who had this in His plan far before I was even born. It is not about me, it's all about HIM. I will look back on this day and thank my dear God for showing Himself to me through your outpouring of love!
"I thank my God every time I remember you" Philippians 1:3
Sweetheart made a shirt for this day--complete with my name and picture drawn on it :) |
Thank you again from the bottom of my grateful heart.