"This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pre-K is the place to be!

Kids always say the funniest things, and this year was no exception! Someday I will need to write a book. What made this year so much funnier to me is how they reference "China". I think it has to do with the fact that this year, my class did a service project for the Foster Home. Back in the fall, we collected loose change to give a monetary donation as well as books, clothing, toys, etc. We learned about China, where it is located on the map, and things about their culture. Of course, it was fun for me to share my experience!

Here are just a few of the things my class has said (whether they be accurate or not!) Sidenote: these were all said at completely random times over the course of the past several months. The sheer randomness of it makes it even more hilarious.

~Child 1: "Miss Catherine leaves for China soon. She will probably be back for my birthday." Child 2: "Really? It is really far. Like all the way to the right side of the map." Child 1: "Well, I know she wouldn't want to miss it. Parties are really fun." (yes, I laughed out loud)

~while pushing a child on the swing.... "Miss Catherine! You are pushing me so high, I can see China!"

~after I told the class I was moving..."Well, you better not speak no more American. You need to use Chinese."

~one day for lunch we had orange chicken, noodles, and fortune cookies: "This lunch is like totally Chinese. Miss Catherine says it is her favorite because she eats it all the time." (disclaimer: I like Chinese food a lot, but very rarely eat it in the states!)

~for earth day we set out a ton of recycled art supplies and let the class make what they wanted: "Miss Catherine, I made this toy for your friends in China. It is nice because it's made from recycled paper. They will have so much fun with it, once the glue dries."

~"I know why you are reading a book about pandas. It is because pandas--well, they live in China."

~"You must see a lot of bamboo. Pandas eat bamboo and they live in China, so you probably see lots of it. But don't eat it; it's for the pandas."

~"Koalas live in China. No, they live in Australia. Pandas live in China. Gosh, they look so much alike that I just got confused!" We are learning about zoo animals this week thus all the references to pandas.

~Child: "You know Miss Catherine? I have been to China too!" Me: "Really?" Child: "Well, yeah! In my imagination."

~"So are you moving to China because you really like Mexican food?" Wow, I am such a good teacher...maybe we need another geography lesson.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine...." Proverbs 17:22a

I just love the way kids give you a gentle reminder that it is the simple things in life we will remember :) Also, kids have such a way of being incredibly more knowledgeable than we think they are! And with that, I leave you with my all-time favorite kid quote from this year (you know, if you have not stopped reading this ridiculously long post yet....)

~on a wonderfully, gorgeous spring day.... Me: "This is surely what heaven feels like!" Kid 1: "I think so too! It is so pretty in heaven! Hell is very very hot!" Kid 2: "NO it is NOT. Hell is freezing cold!!!" Me: "You think so?" Kid 2: "Yeah, it is cold. Well, the temperature is just uncomfortable. I am uncomfortable when it is cold so I think hell is cold. Heaven's where it is comfortable." Me: "Well, I can't argue with that!" Especially because I despise really cold weather. Yuck. But what an adorable interpretation of our future in heaven!

~okay, wait I thought of one more. THIS is my all time favorite. Back a while ago I was working on some things at naptime when a little girl in my class groaned and said, "What do I gotta do around here to get up from nap?" I chuckled to myself then said, "Well, you could give me a million dollars or find me a husband." I am usually apt to give in on certain things for hugs :) Her answer, "Well....if I had a million dollars, I would just buy stuff. And I can't give you a husband because I don't know any boys that look like you." I told her that I guess she was just going to have to take a nap. And she did!

Kids. God bless them.

*see? I actually do teach :) 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

2 months...

In 2 months I will be boarding a plane and say good-bye to the States! It sounds wonderful and scary all at the same time :) I am very grateful that God gave me so much time to prepare for this move.

The next 8 weeks at home are sure to be exciting! I will be wrapping up the 2010-2011 year at school, saying "see you later" to friends and family, going on a beach vacation for one last hurrah! with the fam, seeing some friends that will be coming in town, attending baby showers and weddings, and the list goes on (like eating as much mexican food as I can).

I absolutely cannot wait to see all the kids at the foster home again. Many of the children have been adopted, gotten life-saving surgeries, been moved to foster families, been matched with a family, and all of them have grown up immensely! It will be incredible to see how each one has changed and to meet all the new faces.
Joshua always wants more snack....

Philip with his mosaic flower! 

adorable Timothy concentrates on a puzzle :)

Sean can melt any girl's heart! 

The staff of the foster home--both foreign and local--I miss as well, and I will be excited to see each one them and to spend time growing and maturing with them. All of them really "get it" and have such a desire to help in any way possible without taking any credit for it. We could all learn something from their humility and servant-centered hearts (yours truly incldued). 
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the LORD CHRIST you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24

I look forward to all the changes and hope to embrace them one by one. And, just being honest, I am really looking forward to having some NEW pictures! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Precious Claire....

Claire is one of the children that lives at the Foster Home. She just recently turned 7 years old!

I remember meeting Claire...she came into the preschool on my first full day working there...she had these sparkly eyes and GORGEOUS hair that had a trillion bows in it!

I noticed right away that Claire was not your "typical" 6 year old. Working with 4-6 year olds on a daily basis, I know the developmental milestones for a child her age. She was very behind--as in not speaking or interacting with her peers.

But something about Claire struck a chord with me....

Claire is happy. She is beautiful. She is determined and stubborn :) She has so much potential. Her health was not great, yet she kept right on going. Claire loves to ride bikes and play outside. She does not let anything stand in her way. Her smile lights up an entire room. She literally runs to the preschool room every morning and slams the door open as if to say, "I am here!" Claire loves music, especially "If You're Happy and You Know It". She knows the motions and hand signals for all the preschool songs. She is bright, charming, curious, and did I mention, adorable???

(she is clicking her tongue to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle") 

Right away, I felt like God had laid Claire on my heart. To others, she may have looked like a child that was not going to accomplish much or go very far in life. But I know that God has incredible treasures for her--unique gifts, for that is how He created her--truly unique.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
 Psalm 139:14

I prayed for Claire as soon as she entered the preschool everyday. I asked God to bless our interactions with each other. For me to be His hands and feet to His child. At night, I remember praying for God to make Himself known to others through this special girl. I begged Him to please show me a way to help her. My heart was burdened for Claire, though I knew that she was in an incredible place and being very well taken care of by people who loved her whole-heartedly. But still, I longed to get to know her better, to love her, and to show her her potential.

Long story short, I tutored a woman in English who worked in the foster home every afternoon while the kids were napping. I really enjoyed getting to know her and so appreciated her sweet disposition. Exactly one week after I started working in the preschool, I went to her office for the English lesson. She was standing at the door with the preschool teacher. The preschool teacher says to me, "Instead of teaching English, we would like for you to work with Claire. We noticed she responds well to you and she wakes up before all the other kids. You can work with her one-on-one in the preschool room on skills you think she needs to know."

I was in shock. Truly, this was a dream come true! I honestly couldn't believe this was happening. I rejoiced and thanked God for answering my prayers--I had no idea how He would answer them but this seemed like a wonderful way to me! Sometimes God so blatantly answers our prayers you just have no doubt that He is the great I AM.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

My afternoons with Claire were a joy. Watching someone work so hard at this journey we call life is amazing. Sometimes it was hard to prove to her that she CAN do it! But with a little encouragement (and an occasional M'n'M) she began to master more and more tasks such as: putting a puzzle together, sorting things by shape and color, stringing beads, drawing circles, and saying simple words. Despite the language barrier, Claire was accepting of my help. SHE taught ME more than I actually taught her :) How to find joy in the simplest things, that patience is a virtue, about perseverance, showing me that each day is a gift, and the list goes on.  She will always have a very special place in my heart. 
"Taste and see that the Lord is good..." Psalm 34:8

Several months after I left and returned to the states, Claire had major surgery. In the beginning, things did not go well at all--in fact, according to the doctors, she was not supposed to make it. So many people prayed for this child and against all odds, she made it because of the power of The Great Physician. 
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up all their wounds" 
Psalm 147:3 

Claire is a miracle. There is no other way to say it: her life is a miracle. She is a testament to God's grace, mercy, healing, goodness, and faith. He has a story to tell with this one :) Her one and true Father. 

 I love you, Claire, and think you are perfect just the way you are! I can't wait to see you again!